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The Magpie Art
Gathering the Brightness of Every Day
Green Writers Press, October 2018
This is not a book on meditation or Buddhism, though it has certainly been influenced by both. It is a book of encouragements for all those who are interested in using the unit of a single day to develop good qualities in their minds and hearts. It is a book about teaching yourself "from the middle" — the middle of frustration or joy or boredom or wherever else you find yourself. It is a book with a single thesis: that there is always something you can do, moment by moment, to rediscover the brightness of your own life.
What Readers Say

"Write down all the things you want to do today, then try to do half. And then, if you
accomplish half of that half, take joy in your effort. For strange as it sometimes seems, it
is much easier to think of everything than to actually do something. We tend to push
forward in our minds like a person pedaling a bike with no chain. We need to recall the
feeling and the miracle of turning the gears even just a fraction of an inch."
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